The South Carolina Yacht Club offers a vast array of boating programs for the entire family!
For any specific inquiries, please contact our Yachting Director, Mark Newman at mnewman@scyachtclub.com.
To learn more about the Windmill Harbour Marina click here.

Harbor 20 Racing
Harbor 20 Racing - SCYC members are invited to join the Hilton Head Harbor 20 Fleet every Wednesday afternoon. Meet on the docks and plan for a wonderful time on the water!
PHRF Racing
Join fellow members on the bay throughout the year for single day, weekend and seasonal series for great PHRF sailing in numerous formats.
Cruises are organized monthly throughout the year for all boat owners. The Cruise Fleet meets monthly to discuss upcoming cruises and other items of interest. Contact the Club's Sailing Office for details for any of the above activities at (843) 342-BOAT.
Private and group lessons are offered throughout the year. Whether you are a past sailor, interested new sailor, or looking to improve your skills on the water, SCYC is the place for you. On water lessons are available for the membership through our skillled yachting team.
Junior Sailing
The Junior Sailing Program has been in existence for many years and is known as the premier sailing program for Hilton Head Island junior sailors. There are three levels in the program - Learn to Sail, Intermediate, and Racing. In 2008, the Guppy class was inaugurated into the program, which introduces 6 and 7 years-olds into the program.